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We don't have enough power to stop the genocide, and only outside forces have the power to stop a genocide. We can use the website, write a book, upload some relative pictures & videos, or do some political activities to spread out the awareness, to alert others that there is still a genocide happening in the world. Internet resources make it becomes easy to find more information. The more that people find out about genocide, the more they will want to act. Social media videos and link sharing have made spreading awareness more efficient than ever. We must take advantage of these powerful tools and possibly be able to stop genocides like the Yazidis Genocide more quickly than before.

Elie Wiesel's book Night successfully spread out to the world and he won the Nobel Peace Price. By reading his book, people realized the difficulties of sufferers and the evil of terrorists organizations. Night keeps the memory of past genocides alive, and keeps people's awareness alive.

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